Posts in Beverages
Pomegranate Juice

Organic pomegranate extract (aka pomegranate juice) is almost as rich in antioxidants as your average red wine. Grape juice, prune juice and green tea are also valid alternatives to fend off aging and fight disease.

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BeveragesKevin Slavin

Being Italian I am partial to a good espresso, which is in itself the healthier and most powerful type of coffee you’ll ever find. Especially “doppio”. Studies have shown that doppio espresso contains the highest amount of antioxidants (anti-aging, free radical-fighting nutrients) than any other beverage on the planet.

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BeveragesKevin Slavin
Rose Tea

These delicate flowers make a fragrant brew that is light-tasting, fruity and low in calories. The many benefits of rose tea are a result of the high concentrations of antioxidant vitamin C, vitamin A, polyphenols, as well as a bounty of other antioxidants. One teaspoon of rose hips has the equivalent amount of vitamin C in 6 oranges!

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BeveragesKevin Slavin
Cacao Tea

Cacao tea is by far my favorite coffee substitute. Cacao is an effective mood enhancer, an excellent antioxidant source, energy booster and comfort food all wrapped up in one. The cacao will give you a nice hit of energy without the jitters and crash that can sometimes affect coffee-lovers -- and it tastes delicious. I take my cacao tea black and unsweetened, but you can add a little bit of stevia or raw honey if you prefer. You can also make it creamy by replacing the water with almond milk.

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BeveragesKevin Slavin
Fruit Infused Water

Fruit-infused water is a beautiful way to add flavor, as well as nutrients, to your days (and help you ditch the soda can on the way). Also called detox water or fruit flavored water, these beverages can be any combination of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices immersed in water. Infused water is full of flavor and has no calories, making it a powerful tool in your efforts to gain better health. Here is one of my favorite recipes: Raspberry Orange Water.

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BeveragesKevin Slavin
Almond Milk

Almond milk looks similar to cow's milk, but it tastes so much better. Plus, almonds have long been associated with a plethora of health benefits. Almond milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D (crucial for strong, healthy bones) and anti-aging vitamin E. Beware, commercial flavored varieties contain an ungodly amount of hidden sugar. Home-made almond milk is the way to go.

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BeveragesKevin Slavin
Nourishing Green Smoothie

A smoothie is a convenient snack option and a smart way to deliver concentrated nutrition in a delicious, convenient treat that you can take anywhere. I have learned to appreciate the therapeutic properties of whole-food smoothies made from fresh organic fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. I also mix in natural supplements known to boost brain health , such as gingko and ginseng.

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BeveragesKevin Slavin